Client Privacy Policy Boudoir Photoshoot || Houston, TX.
I have a very strong opinion on privacy policies when it comes to photography. Again this is my opinion and it is not my intention to bash any fellow photographers. Every photographer has the right to have their own privacy policy. I just personally have a strict (yet simple) policy. And I would have this policy no matter what type of photography I did.
If you are like me, you may not be very good at doing hair and makeup on yourself. I feel like I am still learning what looks good on me and what doesn’t. I know enough about makeup to do it every day (even though I won’t wear it every day) and still feel confident. And my hair, as it is curly, never ends up the same no matter how many times I style it exactly the same way each time! But I have learned just to embrace it and just be confident in the midst of how it looks that day. However, just because I feel like I have enough skill to do my hair and makeup in everyday life, does not mean I know how to do it for a photoshoot. It needs to be done in a completely different manner.